More information & FAQs

Centre information:

Portside Preschool & Long Day Care Centre is boutique service owned and operated by local family with 20 years Early Childhood experience. Approved Provider Number: PR - 00004959

NSW Department of Education registered for 29 places. SE 00008757. We cater for ages birth to 6 years and are a two room centre. The 0-3 years Joey's room opened in July 2020 and Koala room children are aged 3-6 years and include a school readiness program.

Child Care fee Subsidy is provided to families through registration with the Australian Government Department of Human Services. This is family income dependent. This is available as the Child Care Subsidy.

Fees are payable for enrolled or reserved days. No GST applies. Payment is by direct deposit into the Centre account. Please ask for banking details.

Daily fees from 8/7/24
$18.74^ - $131.90 includes 5% CCS Govt. withholding.^ Gap fee is assessed by CentreLink/Human Services and dependent on family income.

To receive Child Care Subsidy (CCS) families need to register with MyGov and enter into a Complying Written Agreement (CWA), otherwise full fee of $131.90 will apply.

Enrolment & funding assistance is linked to verification of a child’s immunisation.

Quality of standards are ensured through the participation in the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education & Care Services. Our service is rated as Exceeding the National Standard.

The centre has professional membership with Child Care Alliance.

Staff Educators:

Each shift, staff hold a First Aid Certificate, Anaphylaxis & Asthma emergency management. All staff have a Working With Children check clearance.

Centre policy is to send unwell children home for the protection of all families. NH&MRC guidelines are followed. A medical certificate of wellness after illness, or fitness after injury is required to verify details.

Approved Provider/owners: Nina Karen-Ostrowskyj & Wally Ostrowskyj

Nominated Supervisor: Amanda Bruton

Staff Educators: Belinda Lyons, Michelle Thompson, Keily Martin, Kayla Robinson, Kasey Bennett, Emma Law, Amanjot Kaur, Jaslen Jewell.

Administration: Julie McNeill (off Site)

Services supplied & what to bring/pack.

(Please label all your child’s belongings):

Age & developmentally appropriate indoor & outdoor early childhood resources programmed. All visiting educational shows & excursions are free of charge.

We work collaborately with community organizations such as: Hastings Early Connections, Gowrie inclusion support, special needs resources & training organizations, Health Mid North Coast Service, library, GP’s, family support services & Department of Education & Communities to assist individual children & their families as required.

Art & craft materials are non toxic & mostly water-soluble. Painting aprons are also used.

Morning & afternoon tea: provided are vegetables, milk & cereal/bread based snack.

Lunch is fully catered. A variety of healthy sandwiches, fruit salad & vegetable platters are offered. For infants 0-18 months foods from home may be brought in.

All enrolled children receive a Portside Preschool bucket style hat.

All nappies are supplied.

Rest time floor stretcher bed supplied. Please bring freshly laundered sheets/blanket, small pillow & if desired comfort toy e.g. teddy in a separate bag.

Please pack a water bottle & a change of clothing for hot & cold weather conditions.

Prescription medication is only given if prescribed for an individual child. All medication including chemist & supermarket supplied must be in its original packaging. Written authority must be given by a medical and/or health professional. Parents are required to fill in a medication authority form with administration details. We will need a medical action plan for medically diagnosed chronic health conditions. (These families then receive a copy of our medical conditions policy)

Always check your child’s bag for artwork/learning activities & message pockets in the entry foyer for newsletters, messages & receipts. The front noticeboard describes Centre happenings & activities.

Our information is available to you electronically (email).

Your child’s individual observations & records are available digitally through a program & App called Storypark using a secure portal with username and password.


Our Centre recognises the diversity of cultures in Australia and provides opportunities for all children to learn of and respect such cultures.

We aim to help foster within each child an awareness and acceptance of other cultures through integrating multiculturalism /inclusive practices into the program.

Indigenous culture. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we learn & work together, and commit to build relationships, respect & opportunities for all Aboriginal people in our region. We interweave aspects of Aboriginal culture within our curriculum.


The underlying philosophy is the child as an individual comes first.

Our Centre aims to have positive relations between parents, families, staff, educators & children.

The Centre aim is to support parents in the caring & education of their children. We view children as interlinked with parents & their community.

Families are encouraged to be part of Portside’s community i.e. come in & share a skill e.g. story time, play a musical instrument, volunteer helper, share a skill hobby or work related e.g. community service work

Contact Portside

Phone 02 6584 2422

67B Owen St, Port Macquarie, NSW 2444

Opening Times

Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday - Sunday Closed